Tuesday, July 20, 2010

UPSC Syllabus 2011 for Civil Services, CSAT, IAS, General Studies, Geography

UPSC Syllabus

UPSC holds a very significant role in governing the law of India. It is meant to appoint the candidates for the post of civil services in India. This cannot be possible without a test. This is simply because not every individual can be selected for the job which is really serious and needs intellect. These exams are the medium to check their overall knowledge and only then can they pass through this fire test to reach their mission of acquiring a job in civil services.
IAS, IFS, IPS, CSAT Syllabus 2011

In this life, everyone has to undergo many phases to reach their desired goal. In order to fulfill your goal hard work is needed. One has to be always prepared for the toughest challenge to prove his/her worth. There are many people who apply for the UPSC examinations. But, do they all succeed? Obviously, no, the aspirants those who have envisioned their goal and have burnt the midnight oil lamp reach their pinnacle of success. The UPSC syllabus is very tough and takes whole lot of concentration and capability. It is not an easy thing to crack.

UPSC exams demand excessive zeal and the extensive reading. Every year in-numerous aspirants apply for these exams and if they get through this their job in civil services is confirmed. UPSC is a division of constitution of India which acts as a mediator between a student and the job. One has to meet all the requisites to clear off the path to their mission of acquisition of job.



UPSC exam structure

* UPSC syllabus covers all the subjects and mostly political subjects are stressed.

* The scheme of examination is basically divided into two papers, namely: General Studies which bear 150 marks and other consists of the optional subject that has to be chosen from the subjects that are given.

* The second paper carries 300 marks. General studies consist of syllabus on various fields like agriculture, animal husbandry& veterinary civil engineering.

* There is syllabus of science, commerce, geography, etc. Law and history are also subjects that are covered in general studies syllabus.

One has to be prepared fully to clear this 500 marks examination of UPSC. This is not all, even if you have cracked the UPSC exam; there is another hurdle to cross. It is an interview which is conducted to further check your capability and intellect. These interviews deal with random subjects so the aspirant ought to be prepared on every subject. It is the final step to enter the field of civil services.

Everybody has to be equipped with the information and they need to be updated if they are looking forward to give a good performance in UPSC exams. These exams are really tough which require rigorous hard work and diligence. One has to keep up with all the current affairs. There has to be a benchmark to assess the individual’s capability and this can be done through many ways. UPSC exams may seem to be tough but if the person is focused towards his goal then there’s nothing that can stop him from attaining the heights.

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